Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Change the Channel!

Photo of a set of remote controls

At a discussion group last night, someone used the phrase "Change the channel in your brain!" I was intrigued, so I did a web search this morning with thousands of results. Here is one:

"Have you ever been watching television and a program comes on that you do not like at all? You know that if you just sit there and watch it you will not enjoy it and certainly will not be happy. So what do you do? Do you continue to sit there and lament the fact that a show is on which you dislike? Of course not! You Change the Channel!

You can do pretty much the same thing with your mind! If, as you're going through your day, something happens that disturbs you, or someone says something that triggers a not-so-good memory and your mind begins to "change the channel" to a "program" you'd rather not see, you do not have to just sit there and endure the parade of negative thoughts and images that are marching through your mind. You can Change the Channel!"

You can read the entire article by Keith Smith at

Monday, May 27, 2013

Marriage Goal

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As I prepare for my role in my brother's upcoming wedding, I came across this quote:

The goal in marriage is not to think alike - but to think together.  ~Robert C. Dodds

Monday, May 6, 2013

To Live A Creative Life...

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.  ~Joseph Chilton Pearce